So, it has been crazy the past few days! My mom has been sick (I have had to nurse her), been playing legos with my son, and started my nursing course. This nursing course is the only one in the world (I don't know for sure, but at least I do know that most schools in the U.S. don't have it). It is designed to help students transition from basic courses to the Nursing classes. They teach you test taking strategies, refreshers on anatomy, psychology, and math, Note taking and organization strategies, communication, etc. Seems to be fun, just time consuming. I had my first assignment which was due at 5pm today. We had to take a quiz to see what learning strategy we need and had to do a powerpoint on that strategy with 4 of the slides giving examples of what will help us with our learning strategy. So, I was tactile (hands on) learner. Me being a perfectionist (which I need to get out of that mind thinking in Nursing), my powerpoint is creative and beautiful (should be, it took me 2 hours to do!) I had to get 8 books for this class, a clicker, stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, watch, and a binder with 20 dividers! Everything cost over $500! This isn't even the actual Nursing course! Geesh! Anyways, I decided to give you nursing students a couple of insight tips!
- Manage your time! Make an activity journal for a week. On the top of the paper writing across put Time, Activity, Must Do, Want to do, and No need to do. Under the time down the paper write out from 6am to midnight. Ex: 6-7am, 7-8am, etc. At the end of the week, you will see what areas are most important and not at all important and you can prioritize your activities from there.
- Most people who go into helping professions, usually say yes more than they say no. (I do, I'm categorized as a depressed pleaser. Found that out from a book called "Pleasers." It is great! You should read it, it teaches you how to become a good pleaser and not a bad pleaser). Anyways, Learn to say NO! Ask yourself things like, "Is this consistent with my "goals/priorities"? Is this something I must do? Can this person do this themselves? Is it something I want to do?" This will help you to manage your life and will have a big impact. (Nugent & Vitale)
- Something I was told in class last night..if you have any extracurricular activies...quit. If you have kids or husband/boyfriend/etc, you have to tell them they will not be your number 1 priority. I almost cried when my teacher said this! I have two kids, I can't push them to number 2! Are you crazy?! But, it is a short time thing that needs to be done to get to where I want to be for me and my kids! Don't feel guilty..(as hard as that is!)
- Avoid "Time Traps!" Some things where you feel you have hardly any control over are: too much socializing, unwanted phone calls, long conversations that dont get to the point, rush hour, waiting for others, etc. Some solutions are: turn off your phone, put a message on your v.m. that tells you what hours you are available, block out time to study when you CANNOT be interrupted. If you are somewhere waiting in lines or for appts, bring flash cards or notes, set time limits that you will wait, make appts for the first appt of the day or the last appt of the day." (Nugent & Vitale)
- How many of you are a perfectionist (Raises hand). If I make a 95, I am a mess! That is not good enough! Seriously pathetic I know! In Nursing, you need to strive to make a 75! That is passing! Do you have any idea how hard that is to get in that mind set when you are a perfectionist!? That is a C! Here are questions to ask yourself: "Will I still graduate if I earn less than an A? Is a grade of an A worth not going to my child's event? Will what it takes to get an A in a nursing course negatively affect the other things I think are important in my life? " (Nugent and Vitale)
- Don't procrastinate! I am so freaking guilty of this! But, this is something you have to get over being a Nursing student! When you procrastinate you make comments like, I'm too tired, I'm angry/annoyed/frustrated that I have to do this (I usually say this when I'm mad at my fiance, haha), I'll do it tomorrow, or I work better under pressure! haha see I just said that! Instead take these statements and change it to a logical or motivating saying. Ex: "I'm too tired. I'm always tired. Ill break down the the job into sections and at least I can do one section today. I'm angry/annoyed/frustrated that I have to do this- I'm feeling this way because.....but my feelings are standing in the way of my completing this task. I need to get a grip. Ill deal with my feelings in more depth after finishing what I have to do now. I can do it tomorrow- No, Ill think about it right now. I should not put off until tomorrow what i can do today. I work better under pressure-who am I kidding? When I leave it to the last minute, I get it done because I have no other choice. I can do a much better job now if I give myself enough time to do it right." (Touche! Bummer) (Nugent & Vitale)
Ok enough nursing I forgot to tell you all about my son and his "book" he got at the bookstore when we went to the outlet mall! We went in and my mom told him he could pick any book he wanted and she would buy it for him. We expected a LEGO book, or zombies, or some cute story. He is 8 mind you. So, he comes up holding this red book in his hand and is adamant about having it. My mom says, "no, that is for bad boys." I posted a picture of it below. 8 year old is seeking self help books..To pick up GIRLS!!! He was so upset when my mom had said no, and I finally stepped in and I was like come on, it doesn't look bad it was in the kids section. Turns out an 8 year old wrote it! Bwahahaha! He is 9 now and also wrote How to talk to your mom and how to talk to your dad. It is actually really cute and gives some pretty good advice. I know some adult men who need to read it! Anyways, that is all! Laters!
Nugent, Patricia M. & Vitale, Barbara A. "Test Success Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students." Fifth Ed.
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