Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hey everyone! Sorry I missed yesterday! Been busy enjoying my downtime til work and school start next week! Not a whole lot has happened, but I do have some kiddo stories to share!

I went to bed Thursday night and saw my son had fallen asleep in my bed yet again! So, I went to lift his arms to put him in sitting position so I could move him to his bed. He started saying, "No, no stop, please Gitchigumis, you're scaring me, please stop! Oh my gosh, oh my...please" (While doing this he is either trying to pull away from me and scoot back or he is slapping at me, I'm sure he is hitting hard in his dreams, but in real life they are very lame punches!) I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants!  Gitchigumi's are a fictional creature that my fiance's dad made up. He would drive his truck with the kids and make little swerves saying "I almost hit a Gitchigumi did you see it?" Of course the kids not wanting to look stupid would say, "Oh yea, I did!" I don't even know if we know what a "description" of them are.

Today, we went to the Leeds Outlet Mall to do some shopping! I found some awesome scrubs I want for work and even got some stuff for the beach! When we were in the food court my son pulled me down to his level and said he needed to ask me a question.  He said, "When an old man and an old woman have babies, is the babies hair gray?"  I said, "No."  I didn't even want to get into details that elderly people don't even have kids anymore, but that is another topic for another day a long long time from now!  I give him credit for his thinking though. Haha

Now a story about my daughter and her Gigi (grandmother);

My mother decided that my 17 1/2 month old daughter needed her first Coach! To all you guys out there if you don't know, that is a brand of purses, shoes, wallets, etc. Very expensive stuff! Def. worth it though! =)  So my mom found this change tote with a strap, which is small, but yet looks big enough to be a toddler's purse. So, she bought my daughter her first Coach! I feel sorry for the man my daughter ends up with at this rate! I have posted the picture of her above!

I hope to have more interesting stuff for you tomorrow! I have to do grocery shopping for our BBQ on Monday! Let us all remember what the day is really about! We are to remember those who have fought for our country to give us the freedom we have today! God Bless America!! We need to support our country more than ever!  The pictures below, are done by my dear friend Matt Mathews who took these to remember our fallen soldiers. It is absolutely breathtaking, beautiful, and just so emotional! I couldn't wait til Monday to post this, so I am now!

See you guys tomorrow! Nighty-Night!

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